I want to use my last blog
post to talk about what I have discovered and learned throughout my seminar
course on citizen media and the public sphere.
To start, I think the most
influential aspect of this course for me was what I learned about remixing. Remixing, as
discussed in one of my previous posts, is taking an original work and remaking
it into something else that creates a new concept or acts as a spin off of the
original idea. What I found most interesting is how remixing is often used by
citizens to go against mainstream media.
I was surprised by how many citizens out there are willing to spend many
hours working through remixes in order to be a creator of something new. This
has shown me the ability of citizens to act as producers instead of consumers. McKenzie
Wark expressed that using citizen media as a way to form social relations that
create a bond, acts as a public sphere where people can contribute as something
more than just a consumer.
I also think the discussions
about copyright
that the class had while acting as a public sphere allowed me to understand how
influential copyright is on all different people’s lives. Throughout the class
we would often share our ideas about copyright; whether it is good, bad, or both
to a certain degree. Copyright does not just give acknowledgement for one's work
but it protects that work from being distributed and reproduced by other
people. The downfall of the copyright law is that it restricts creativity. In “Do
Copyright Laws Stifle Creativity?” Dr. Lawrence
Lessig demonstrates that people from
around the world can participate in citizen media. He expresses that the
creative process has become overly restricted because of what is called infringing
upon copyrights. He used the example of a woman who posted to YouTube
to share a video of her young son dancing with some music in the background and
in result they were forced to take it down with a notification saying this
infringed on copyrights. Where does it all end?
I think the course flowed
through the possibilities; restrictions, issues and outcomes of citizen media
to show how nothing is ever fixed but rather things are always in a constant
state of changing. As technology advances and the Internet improves, mass media
and citizen media will change. Therefore what this class has mainly taught me
as an underlying theme is that copyright is not bad nor is it something to be
afraid of, but there should be limits to copyright because with it comes
a lot of restrictions which will end in the suffering of innovation and creativity.
What is the future for creativity
if copyright continues to dominate? I believe that as citizens continue to push
through and go on with remixing through citizen media, copyright will be forced
to reconstruct their laws to protect and acknowledge those who have created
something but also to allow creativity to proper.
Ciao from another participating citizen of media,
Ciao from another participating citizen of media,
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